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华尔街英语中级Lesson 1


1. I told you Carlos, it’s impossible to understand that map! Why don’t we go by cab?
2. But I want to go by subway, Conchita! Look, we’re here in Washdon.
3. So we should go on the subway once, come on my dear!
4. Very well, but it looks so dirty!
5. I’ll ask this lady. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to G LookESTER PLACE?
6. Sorry honey, I’ve never heard of it.
7. Excuse me, I’m trying to get to GLookesTER PLACE
8. No, I don’t think I know that name. Sorry, I can’t help you.
9. Excuse me, which train do I get to go to Glookester Place?
10. Hmm, how do you spell that please?
12. Ah-ha! You pronounced it wrongly. It’s Gloucester. That’s how you say it: Glounsester.
13. Yes alright. Look I don’t care how you pronounce it. I just want to get there.
14. Take the train from track 1, and change at Worcester Place. Now that’s another very interesting word.
15. “Worcester” it’s spelt w-o-r-c-e-s-t-e-r and pronounced “worcester”. I’ll say it again, if you like.
16. Thank you, that’s enough, good-bye!
17. Come along, my dear, let’s get on the train. We don’t want to be late for our Juanita!