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AP News:密西西比州突降暴风雨

A TV station in Baltimore was evacuated Thursday after employees say a man threatened to blow out the station. Employees of Fox affiliated WBFF-TV tweeted a video of the threat. Police say they shot the suspect while approaching him with a robot.

Vice president Joe Biden arrived in Baghdad Thursday to help Iraqi leaders resolve a political crisis that has hindered efforts to defeat the Islamic State group.

Emergency crews in Mississippi say several inches of rain fell during a thunderstorm Thursday is causing major street flooding and water to enter homes. Authorities say the flood forced some drivers to be rescued from their vehicles.

Newly released video shows Dallas zoo 3-month old African penguins taking their first swim after developing their adult feathers. Zoo officials say the penguin brothers each weight a healthy 6.5 pounds.

Krysta Fauria , the associated press, with AP news minute.