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AP News:叙阿勒颇地区实现停火



With his rivals now gone, Donald Trump is the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee. Trump says that Ohio governor John Kasich is doing the right thing by ending his White House bid. With no other GOP opponents left, Trump has an open path to the general election.
Takata will recall another 35-40 million airbag inflators. That's a stunning increase to their original recall, officials say. It will more than double what is already the largest automible recall in American history.

The US and Russia have persuaded Syria's government and moderate rebels to extend the country's ceasefire to Aleppo. Officials say it will last 48 hours. The agreement was reached late Tuesday. It came hours after Secreatry of State John Kerry urged all parties to reach a sustainable truce.
"May the 4th be with you!" Star Wars fans around the world are delighting in their self-made Star War's day, May 4th. In Taiwan, fans dressed up as their favorite characters from the blockbuster film franchise. They are offering "May the 4th be with you."
Padmananda Rama, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.