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AP News:阿富汗两辆大巴车与油罐车相撞


AP News:阿富汗两辆大巴车与油罐车相撞

The Alberta government says the massive blaze in the Canadian province has covered nearly 400,000 acres. Canadian officials said on Sunday that the evacuations in the area were completed.
Two buses and a fuel tanker collided on Sunday on a major highway in Afghanistan, killing 52 people and wounding dozens. Local residents helped firefighters and first responders pull survivors from the wreckage.

Archaeologists clashed on Sunday in a conference in Egypt over a theory that secret chambers could be hidden behind a wall of King Tutankhamun's tomb. The tomb has been extensively scanned by Radar with preliminary results, suggesting two open-spaces with sign of metal and organic matter lie behind the western and northern walls.
Award-winning actress and singer Rita Moreno showed up a rapping skill, while delivering the commencement address at Boston's Berklee College of Music on Saturday. The 84-year old credited Lin-Manuel Miranda, the musical "Hamilton" inspiring her to rap.
Krysta Fauria, the associated press, with AP news minute.