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AP News:美国22岁女歌手遭枪杀 英女王伊丽莎白二世90岁生日

Authorities say a man who shot and killed singer Christina Grimmie after she gave her performance in Orlando Friday night, then fatally shot himself, travelled from another city with the intent to attack Grimmie. They've identified him as 27-year-old Kevin James Loibl. Grimmie gained fame after appearing on NBC's talent show "The Voice."

GOP presidential presumptive nominee Donald Trump bashed Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama and Trump's GOP nemesis, Mitt Romney, during a rally in Tampa, Florida. Trump also said the Republican party has got to get their act together and come together to win.

Syria's state television has a pair of suicide bombers struck a predominantly Shiite area near Damascus, killing at least a dozen people and wounding dozens more.

Great Britain's Princess Charlotte made a royal debut on the Buckingham Palace balcony Saturday. The 13-month-old joined her brother, Prince George, her parents and the rest of the royal family, all part of Queen Elizabeth's 90th birthday celebrations.

Ned Barker, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.