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AP News:二岁男童被鳄鱼拖下水 皮斯托瑞斯再遭审判

Authorities near Orlando, Florida say an alligator dragged a two-year-old boy into a lake on Tuesday night. County sheriff says the boy's father tried to pull him away from the alligator, but couldn't save him.

Also in Orlando, investigators are looking for a motive behind the nightclub massacre that left 49 victims dead. The FBI is checking into reports that gunman Omar Mateen sometimes went to the gay dance club.

In California, the FBI is investigating a man from Indiana who was arrested while on his way to a gay pride event. Prosecutors say James Wesley Howell had loaded rifles, ammunition, a stun gun, a buck knife and explosive chemicals while on his way to the event in West Hollywood on Sunday.

And relatives of Oscar Pistorius's deceased girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp are testifying in South Africa. The double-amputee Olympic runner is being sentenced the second time for Steenkamp's murder.

Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.