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AP News:奥兰多枪案嫌犯系国内恐怖分子 多利亚号残骸受损严重


AP News:奥兰多枪案嫌犯系国内恐怖分子 多利亚号残骸受损严重

The White House and FBI on Monday portrayed the shooter of a gay nightclub as a home-grown extremist who supported several often-conflicting Islamic organizations. 49 people were killed in Sunday's massacre.
Hillary Clinton vowed to make stopping lone-wolf extremists her top priority if elected president. She also renewed her call for a ban on assault weapons. Meanwhile, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump redoubled his call for temporarily banning Muslims from the US.

Dozens of peace activists disrupted the opening of an arms exhibit in Paris on Monday. The activists threw fake red paint and yellow power on a French tank and an armored vehicle in protest of a defense and security trade show.
Undersea explorers say the wreckage of the Andrea Doria off Nantucket appears more badly deteriorated than previously thought. Sonar images taken last week suggest the entire bow has broken off since the last images were captured two years ago. The Italian ocean liner went down in 1956 after colliding with another ship, killing 51 people.
Krista Fauria, Associated Press with AP News Minute.