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AP News:比尔·考斯比性侵案审判即将结束


This is AP News Minute. 

Another federal appeals court has upheld the decision blocking President Donald Trump's revised travel ban. The unanimous three-judge panel says the president violated US immigration law by discriminating against people based on their nationality.

The Attorneys General of Maryland and the District of Columbia have announced they filed suit against President Donald Trump, alleging he violated the constitution by retaining ties to a sprawling global business empire. 

Bill Cosby's sex assault trial is racing toward a close. Declining to take the stand in his own defense, the 79-year-old entertainer left it to his attorneys to argue that Cosby's 2004 sexual encounter with Andrea Constand was consensual. Cosby's wife at 73 years, Camille, was in the court room for the first time during the 6-day trial. 

And in Orlando, Florida, hundreds of people are remembering the victims who were killed a year ago at Pulse nightclub, honoring them with songs, prayers and flowers. 

I'm Matt Friedman, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.