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AP News:共和党棒球赛发生枪击事件


This is AP News Minute. 

President Donald Trump and lawmakers are calling for unity after a shooting at a Republican baseball practice Wednesday morning. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others were wounded in the attack just outside Washington. The shooter, 66-year-old James Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, died after a gun battle with US Capitol police officers. 

Authorities say a shooting at a San Francisco UPS warehouse has left four people dead, including the gun man. Police say two others were wounded. The motive hasn't been determined. 

At least 12 people died after an early-morning blaze at a high-rise apartment building in West London. Fire crews continue to tackle pockets of fire in the Grenfell Tower with many people still unaccounted for. 

A group of homeless and formerly homeless men and women from Texas are making history on stage at New York's Carnegie Hall. The Dallas Street Choir's performance Wednesday evening is a first in Carnegie Hall's 160-year history. 

Ned Barker, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.