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This is AP News Minute.

President Donald Trump signed a bill into law Friday designed to make it easier to fire Department of Veterans Affairs employees. Trump cast the signing as a fulfillment of a campaign promise to dismiss VA workers who let the nation's veterans down.

Police are considering manslaughter charges related to the fire at a West London apartment tower that killed at least 79 people. In its most detailed briefing on the investigation, the Metropolitan Police confirmed residents' suspicions that the June 14th inferno at Grenfell Tower was touched off by a refrigerator fire.

Four people were injured, one seriously, when a double-decker tour bus got stuck inside a tunnel under a Paris bridge. It happened when the bus took a detour due to a major display of sporting events.

And the Dallas Zoo is sharing video of a gorilla that zoo officials say has a passion for splashin', and his moves look like he is dancing. 

Kelly Daschle, Associated Press with AP News Minute.