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AP News:凯利宣誓就任白宫幕僚长


This is AP News Minute. 

Anthony Scaramucci is out as White House Communications Director after just 11 days on the job. His ouster comes just hours after President Trump's new Chief of Staff John Kelly was sworn into office. In a statement, the White House says Scaramucci left to give Kelly a clean slate. 

President Donald Trump swore Kelly in as Chief of Staff earlier on Monday. He predicted Kelly would do a spectacular job and insisted there's no chaos in the White House. Kelly replaces Reince Priebus whom Trump ousted last week.

Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio was convicted of a criminal charge Monday for refusing to stop traffic patrols that targeted immigrants. The conviction marks the final rebuke for a politician who once held strong popularity. 

Children in Poland joined together to build giant sand sculptures. Their creation is part of an annual festival. Professional sculptors also showed off their works of art, some taking as long as two weeks to create. 

Padmananda Rama, Associated Press with AP News Minute