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AP News:美国七月份就业率增加


This is AP News Minute. 

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is answering President Donald Trump's call to crack down on leaks of classified information. On Friday, Sessions announced to renew focus on the issue, saying "the culture of leaking must stop." 

US employers added 209,000 jobs in July, a second straight month of robust gains according to a new US jobs report. The unemployment rate dropped to 4.3% -- a 16-year low. The report is likely to boost expectations of future interest rate hikes. 

In Kansas City, officials say about 10 people were sickened by a suspicious package in the mail room of an IRS building. Employees complained to have been vomiting and sweating after the package arrived, and two people were taken to the hospital. The incident remains under investigation. 

And in Louisiana, the US Coast Guard awards four men public service medals after video of a flood rescue goes viral. A TV reporter shot this video updated Phung ripping the top off a convertible to save a woman and her dog during flooding last summer. Phung recieving the Coast Guard's Silver Lifesaving Medal for his bravery. 

Robert Bumstead, Associated Press with AP News Minute.