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This is AP News Minute.

Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein has been expelled from the Motion Picture Academy after the board met in emergency session. The move follows blockbuster reports by the New York Times and the New Yorker, revealing sexual harassment and rape allegations against Weinstein that go back decades.

Freed hostage Joshua Boyle and his family returned home to Canada early Saturday after five years of captivity at the hands of Haqqani extremists in Afghanistan. In this video put out by the Pakistani military, Boyle praised the security forces who rescued them. He also told reporters his captors raped his wife and killed one of his children.

Strong winds fanned wildfires in California's wine country again Saturday, forcing hundreds of additional residents to evacuate their homes. The fires that began last Sunday have claimed close to three dozen lives and destroyed at least 5700 homes and businesses.

Take a look at this! A soccer team in Berlin giving a nod to social struggles in the US by taking a knee before their match. The starting line-up showed their support for the NFL protest by taking a knee on the field, while the coaching staff and others did the same thing on the sidelines.

Ned Barker, Associated Press with AP News Minute.