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A public viewing was held Friday evening in Cooper City, Florida for US Army Sergeant La David Johnson, one of four Americans killed Oct. 4th in an ambush in southwest Niger. On Thursday, the Pentagon announced it will conduct an investigation into the deaths. Johnson's funeral will be held Saturday.

Suicide bombers struck two mosques in Afghanistan during Friday prayers, a Shiite mosque in Kabul and a Sunni mosque in western Ghor Province. It's killing at least 63 people. There is no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks.

Astronauts went space walking Friday to provide some necessary focus to the International Space Station's robot arm. The main job for the duo was to replace a blurry cemara on the new robotic hand that was installed during a space walk two weeks ago.

And Melania Trump donated her inaugural ball gown to the First Ladies' Collection at the Smithsonian Institution. The first lady handed over the vanilla silk, off-the-shoulder gown during a ceremony in Washington.

Kelly Daschle, Associated Press with AP News Minute.