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AP News:泰格·伍兹承认鲁莽驾驶


This is AP News Minute.

Facebook is taking new steps to verify advertisers and make all ads on the site more transparent. The announcement comes ahead of next week's congressional hearings on Russian interference into last year's US elections. Users will be able to click on the ads and find out more about who's behind them.

Tens of thousands of people streamed into central Barcelona, chanting for the Spanish flag to be taken down after the regional parliament voted for independence. In a response, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajov fired Catalonia's cabinet for its independence push.

Superstar golfer Tiger Woods Friday pled guilty to reckless driving and agreed to enter a diversion program to settle a charge of driving under the influence. In the diversion program, Woods will spend a year on probation, pay a 250-dollar fine and court costs.

Two women aboard a 50-foot sailboat spent five months adrift in the Pacific Ocean before they were finally rescued by a navy vessel this weekend.

Tracy Brown, Associated Press with AP News Minute.