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AP News:“沉默的山姆”雕像被推倒


This is AP News Minute.

President Trump is expected to announce a plan to relax rules that restrict greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants. The plan will give states more leeway to regulate air pollution.

Colorado prosecutors charged the 33-year-old man with murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters. Court documents say Christopher Watts admits strangling his wife, but claims his wife killed the two girls.

Four army Chinook helicopters had to land due to rough weather around St. Louis. Three of the choppers reached airports in Illinois. The fourth landed in a restaurant parking lot.

Demonstrators toppled confederate statue on the campus of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Protesters called the statue, known as "Silent Sam", a symbol of racist heritage.

Jackie Queen, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.