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AP News:印尼地震后救援仍在进行



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Senators on Capitol Hill are saying they've reviewed the FBI's report on the sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Many Republican Senators are saying there was nothing in the report that would make them question voting for Kavanaugh, while some Democratic Senators are saying the report is incomplete. A final vote is expected Friday.

In Washington, hundreds of protesters opposed to Kavanaugh's nomination occupied the lobby of the Hart Senate Office Building. Police arrested many who refused to leave.

Nearly a week after a deadly earthquake and tsunami hit the city of Palu in Indonesia, the search for survivors continued. Officials say the death toll was now over 1,500 and is expected to rise.

And in Los Angeles, notorious record executive Suge Knight was sentenced to 28 years in prison. The former Death Row executive was convicted of the 2015 voluntary manslaughter of businessman Terry Carter.