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AP News:印第安纳州参议员理查德·卢格去世


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Officials say the three people wounded in a shooting at a Southern California synagogue have been released from hospitals. The attack during a passover service Saturday killed one congregant and injured a rabbi and two worshipers. Police are now searching the home of the 19-year-old alleged shooter who was arrested shortly after the attack.

Former longtime US Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana has died. Lugar was a Rhodes scholar and foreign policy expert, first elected to the Senate in 1976. A generally loyal conservative-his reputation for working with Democrats ultimately cost him the office in 2012. Lugar was 87. 

In southwest Virginia, rescuers are working to save 5 men who became trapped in a cave. Six men entered the 7-mile-long cyclops cave near Cleveland, and planned to camp overnight Saturday. A 22-year-old man managed to escape early Sunday morning and call for help, saying the others were exhausted and suffering from hypothermia. Officials say recent heavy rains are complicating the rescue.

The annual night of comedy at the White House correspondent's dinner taking a more serious tone Saturday night. The correspondent's Association hiring a historian this time around as main speaker. Ron Chernow saying that relations between the press and the President have always been tough, but they "don't need to be steeped in venom." President Donald Trump, who has called the press "the enemy of the people", refused to attend the event for the third year in a row, instead, holding a rally in Wisconsin.