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AP News:国务卿蓬佩奥会见印度总理和外长


This is AP News Minute.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has agreed to testify before 2 house committees about the Russia election interference investigation. The testimony before the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees is set for July 17th.

House lawmakers have passed a bill that directs 4.5 billion dollars to care for migrants families and unaccompanied children detained after crossing the southern US border. The Senate has a different bill, while the White House has threatened to veto the house version.

Police and witnesses near San Jose, California say a man who was fired from a Ford dealership shot 2 employees to death. Police say the suspect then apparently shot and killed himself.

And Secretary of State Mike Pumpeo has met with India's Prime Minister and foreign Minister. Tensions are growing between the US and India over trade and tariffs.