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AP News:桑德斯支持拜登竞选美国总统


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Strong storms and tornadoes pounded the deep South Sunday into Monday. Killing at least 19 people in Mississippi, Georgia, Arkansas and South Carolina. Dozens more were pulled from damaged buildings and taken to hospitals as the storm continue to made its way up through the Mid-Atlantic.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo says he believes "the worst is over" despite hospitals in his state still seeing 2,000 patients a day. New York's death toll from coronavirus topped 10,000, but Sunday marked the first time in a week that the daily number of deaths dipped below 700.
Meanwhile, the navy is reporting its first death among the crew of the virus-infected USS Theodore Roosevelt warship. A sailor died Monday of complications related to the disease after after testing positive on March 30.
And Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has endorsed former rival Joe Biden for President. The endorsement came in a joint online appearance with the former vice president, five days after Sanders dropped out of the race.