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AP News in a Minute
AP News:印尼地震后救援仍在进行
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AP News in a Minute2018-10-11
Senators on Capitol Hill are saying they've reviewed the FBI's report on the sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett KavaAP News:第一夫人梅兰妮离开西非
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AP News in a Minute2018-10-11
The full US Senate is expected to have an initial vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination on Friday. Senators could begin reviewing thAP News:印度尼西亚地震后一火山喷发
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AP News in a Minute2018-10-09
President Trump used a rally in Mississippi to mock Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Ford's attorAP News:密尔沃基县动物园迎来第一只小熊猫幼崽
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AP News in a Minute2018-10-05
Brett Kavanaugh made his way to Capitol Hill on Thursday morning ahead of what promises to be high drama. A hearing in which Senators will listen to a womaAP News:印尼少年海上漂流49天后获救
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AP News in a Minute2018-10-03
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh flatly denied allegations of sexual assault in an interview with Fox News Monday night. Kavanaugh insists he never seAP News:塞奇威克国家动物园一只小猩猩出生
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AP News in a Minute2018-10-03
With a high-stakes hearing just a day away, President Donald Trump says Democrats are playing a "con game" against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. TAP News:弗拉门戈双年展在塞维利亚举行
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-30
Bill Cosby has been sentenced to 3 to ten years in state prison for drugging and molesting a woman at his suburban Philadelphia home 14 years ago. Judge StAP News:纽约锡拉丘兹发生枪击案
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-27
An attorney says Christine Blasey Ford may testify about allegations that she was assaulted decades ago by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. However,AP News:科学家将VR应用于恐惧症治疗
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-26
President Donald Trump says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is anxious to defend himself against accusations he sexually assaulted a woman in high scAP News:日本富豪成SpaceX首位环月旅行者
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-25
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the woman accusing him of sexual assault are set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Monday. KaAP News:飓风“佛罗伦萨”造成至少17人丧生
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-21
At least 17 people are known dead since hurricane Florence struck North and South Carolina. A 3-month-old baby was killed in North Carolina when a tree felAP News:波士顿北部发生天然气爆炸事件
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-20
Hurricane Florence pounded North Carolina, flooding streets and knocking out power to tens of thousands. Florence's eyewall began to reach the North CaAP News:俄罗斯举行军演
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-19
Hurricane Florence is moving toward the Carolina coastline and could blow ashore late Thursday or early Friday. The rain could last for days. Coastal NorthAP News:最高法院候选人参议院确认听证会将于周五结束
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-17
Cabinet members and Vice President Mike Pence are among those who denied witting a New York Time's op-ed. The essay said White House officials are actiAP News:伯特·雷诺兹去世享年82岁
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-17
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh faced new questions by democrats Thursday about comments he made regarding the high court's decision on Roe V. WaAP News:戈登登陆亚拉巴马
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-13
Tropical storm Gordon made landfall near the Alabama-Mississippi border late Tuesday night. Thousands of homes and businesses lost power, mostly in coastalAP News:强台风袭击日本西部
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-13
The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin questioning President Donald Trump's next pick for the Supreme Court on Tuesday. And democrats are expected tAP News:芝加哥一水回收厂发生爆炸
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-12
A hearse carrying Senator John McCain's casket arrived at the north Phoenix baptist church for a public memorial service. Inside, he was eulogized as "AP News:威尼斯举办雷戈塔·斯多利卡划船比赛
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-10
A final memorial service was held for the late US Senator John McCain at the US Navy Academy in Annapolis on Sunday. On the academy grounds, overlooking thAP News:美加双方领导人对贸易谈判表示乐观
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-07
A white former police officer was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the shooting death of an unarmed black teen. Roy Oliver was convicted in the death ofAP News:民众送别约翰·麦凯恩
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-05
Google rejects President Trump's accusations, saying it never manipulates search results to reflect political sentiment. The President claimed Google aAP News:英国首相访问开普敦尝试跳舞
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AP News in a Minute2018-09-05
Ripples from the death of Senator John McCain are being felt in Arizona's primary contest today. Voters are picking candidates to replace McCain'sAP News:教皇方济各拒绝评论性侵有关文件
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AP News in a Minute2018-08-31
Authorities in Jacksonville, Florida say a gunman took his own life after killing two people at a video game tournament. Nine people were shot and woundedAP News:亚利桑那州发现毒品走私通道
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AP News in a Minute2018-08-28
Hurricane Lane dropped almost two feet of rain on Hawaii's Big Island in just about a day. The big, slow-moving category 3 hurricane is expected to movAP News:白宫称特朗普无过错
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AP News in a Minute2018-08-27
Hurricane Lane is expected to move dangerously close to Hawaii from Thursday through Saturday.The storm has been heading north towards Hawaii.
The White H
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