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AP News in a Minute
AP News:印第安纳居民赢得彩票头奖
This is AP News Minute.A big winter snowstorm with blizzard conditions and fierce winds is moving across the Northeastern US. Snowfall could reach as high as 2 feet in New York Cit
AP News in a Minute2017-03-15AP News:芝加哥河水变绿庆祝圣帕特里克节
This is AP News Minute.An outspoken Manhattan federal prosecutor known for crusading against public corruption says he was fired after refusing to resign. Preet Bharara made that a
AP News in a Minute2017-03-14AP News:美国各大公司抵御CIA黑客攻击
This is AP News Minute.Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says his group will work with technology companies to help them defend against the CIA's hacking tools, following the or
AP News in a Minute2017-03-13AP News:海龟腹部取出近千枚硬币
This is AP News Minute.President Donald Trump has signed a revised travel ban. It temporarily halts entry to the US for people from six Muslim-majority nations or seeking new visas
AP News in a Minute2017-03-10AP News:津巴布韦遭遇严重洪水
This is AP News Minute.Police say a Sikh man is recovering after a gunman approached him as he worked on his car at a suburban Seattle driveway and told him to "go back to your cou
AP News in a Minute2017-03-09AP News:特朗普内阁增加新成员
This is AP News Minute.US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has excuse himself from any investigation of Russian interference in last year's presidential election. This follows re
AP News in a Minute2017-03-06AP News:加利福尼亚迎来雨水最多的冬季
This is AP News Minute.President Donald Trump addressed the nation on Tuesday night, saying he believes that real immigration reform is possible. He urged Democrats and Republicans
AP News in a Minute2017-03-02AP News:无舵雪橇爱好者庆祝煎饼周
This is AP News Minute.Police say a man accused of plowing a car into a crowd enjoying a parade in New Orleans is being investigated for driving while intoxicated. 21 people were h
AP News in a Minute2017-02-28AP News:华盛顿特区发生枪击事件
This is AP News Minute.Some Democrats are outraged over a conversation between White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and the FBI's deputy director. A White House official s
AP News in a Minute2017-02-27AP News:特朗普提出劳工部长新人选
This is AP News Minute.President Donald Trump mounted a vigorous defense of his presidency at a White House news conference Thursday. He says his administration is running like a f
AP News in a Minute2017-02-21AP News:特朗普提名劳工部长宣布退出
This is AP News Minute.Andrew Puzder, President Donald Trump's pick to lead the Department of Labor, has withdrawn his name from consideration. Democrats strongly opposed the p
AP News in a Minute2017-02-20AP News:金正恩同父异母哥哥金正男遇刺身亡
This is AP News Minute.The White House said today that President Trump asked national security adviser Michael Flynn to resign because of a trust issue, not a legal one. But House
AP News in a Minute2017-02-16AP News:被驱逐墨西哥移民接受采访
This is AP News Minute.The US Senate has voted on party lines to approve Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Republicans see Price as a knowledgeable leader who ca
AP News in a Minute2017-02-13AP News:索马里新总统宣誓就职
This is AP News Minute.Despite the rebuke of Massachusetts Senator Elisabeth Warren for criticizing colleague and attorney general-designate Jeff Sessions with the words of Coretta
AP News in a Minute2017-02-10AP News:美国警告伊朗测试弹道导弹行为
This is AP News Minute.National security advisor Michael Flynn says that Trump administration is putting Iran on notice after it tested a ballistic missile. Flynn told the reporter
AP News in a Minute2017-02-06AP News:乌克兰东部冲突升级
This is AP News Minute.The head of Homeland security defended President Donald Trump's immigration ban, saying its intention is to keep would-be terrorists out of the US. But h
AP News in a Minute2017-02-06AP News:特朗普造访国土安全办公室
This is AP News Minute.President Donald Trump made his first official visit to the office of Homeland Security in Washington on Wednesday. While there he signed two executive order
AP News in a Minute2017-02-06AP News:英国首相将拜访特朗普总统
This is AP News Minute.Congressional Republicans are preparing to hear directly from President Trump on Thursday as he heads to Philadelphia. Trump is expected to speak to House an
AP News in a Minute2017-02-06AP News:特朗普批准石油管道工程施工
This is AP News Minute.President Trump signed executive actions Tuesday to advance construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines. The aggressive moves are a step
AP News in a Minute2017-02-06AP News:特朗普提名普度担任农业部长
This is AP News Minute.Donald Trump's company confirms it plans to expand its golf resort near Aberdeen, Scotland. Trump has vowed his company will do no new foreign deals while h
AP News in a Minute2017-01-25AP News:美国总统特朗普开始执政
This is AP News Minute.Hundreds of thousands of women and supporters took to the streets in the nation’s capital and cities around the world to decry President Donald Trump. The t
AP News in a Minute2017-01-24AP News:特朗普就职演说爆发抗议
This is AP News Minute.Donald J. Trump has been sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, giving an address that echoed similar sentiments from his campaign speeches. Tr
AP News in a Minute2017-01-23AP News:前总统布什和夫人双双入院
This is AP News Minute.President Barack Obama defended his decision to grant clemency to convicted leaker Chelsea Manning. Mr. Obama made the comments at the White House Wednesday
AP News in a Minute2017-01-20AP News:奥巴马总统为切尔西·曼宁减刑
This is AP News Minute.President Obama commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, freeing her in May. Manning acknowledged leaking diplomatic cables and national secu
AP News in a Minute2017-01-19AP News:奥巴马白宫接见小熊队
This is AP News Minute.Leaders and activists are gathering at sites across the country to celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.. Vice president-elect Mike Pence was seen v
AP News in a Minute2017-01-18
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