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AP News in a Minute
AP News:特朗普女婿向情报委员会作证
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AP News in a Minute2017-07-25
President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner speaks to the staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee behind closed doors Monday. Investigators lookingAP News:亚利桑那州突发洪水
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AP News in a Minute2017-07-19
Details remain unclear in what led to a Minnesota police officer fatally shooting an Australian woman over the weekend. Minneapolis authorities will onlyAP News:特朗普总统抵达巴黎
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AP News in a Minute2017-07-14
President Trump arrived at Paris Thursday morning. He's spending Bastille Day in France and is set to meet with French President Macron and US militaAP News:特朗普长子承认见俄罗斯律师
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AP News in a Minute2017-07-13
Donald Trump Jr. has released an email chain, revealing his willingness to meet with a Russian lawyer last June, who he thought had damaging informationAP News:加州大火致数千人撤离
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AP News in a Minute2017-07-11
Wildfires are driving thousands of Californians from their homes. A fire north of Sacramento forced about 4,000 to evacuate. More than 3,000 others haveAP News:大量抗议者现身G20峰会
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AP News in a Minute2017-07-10
President Donald Trump opened his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin by raising concerns about Mascow's meddling in last year'sAP News:特朗普总统开始访问欧洲
This is AP News Minute. The United States has concluded that North Korea did launch an intercontinental ballistic missile ealier this week. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called
AP News in a Minute2017-07-06AP News:韩国总统文在寅访问华盛顿
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AP News in a Minute2017-07-06
President Donald Trump got in a Twitter feud Thursday with MSNBC "Morning Joe" hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, calling her "low-I.Q. Crazy MikAP News:特朗普在推特发布搞笑视频
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AP News in a Minute2017-07-04
President Donald Trump tweeted a mock video that showed him pummeling a man in a business suit ouside a wrestling ring whose face is obscured by a CNN loAP News:纽约地铁发生脱轨事件
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AP News in a Minute2017-07-03
Senate Republican leaders are delaying a vote on their healthcare bill until after the July 4th recess. Sources say leaders were forced to retreat by a GAP News:书迷庆祝《哈利·波特与魔法石》出版二十周年
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-30
President Donald Trump welcomed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the White House Monday. It's their first meeting, and personal chemistry as muAP News:双层观光巴士被困巴黎桥
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-26
President Donald Trump signed a bill into law Friday designed to make it easier to fire Department of Veterans Affairs employees. Trump cast the signingAP News:特朗普考虑对朝鲜实施旅行禁令
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-22
The White House promising more economic and political pressure toward North Korea following the death of Otto Warmbier. The University of Virginia studenAP News:葡萄牙森林大火致数十人死亡
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-20
The US Navy has ended its search for seven sailors who went missing off the Coast of Japan. The USS Fitzgerald collided with a container ship four timesAP News:亚马逊收购生鲜超市全食
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-19
President Donald Trump announced changes to the Obama-era Cuba policy Friday and challenged the Cuban government to negotiate a better deal. In a speechAP News:共和党棒球赛发生枪击事件
This is AP News Minute. President Donald Trump and lawmakers are calling for unity after a shooting at a Republican baseball practice Wednesday morning. House Majority Whip Steve S
AP News in a Minute2017-06-16AP News:比尔·考斯比性侵案审判即将结束
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-14
Another federal appeals court has upheld the decision blocking President Donald Trump's revised travel ban. The unanimous three-judge panel says theAP News:特朗普公布基础设施建设计划
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-13
President Donald Trump says that thanks to him, US infrastructure will once again be the envy of the world. Trump has been promoting plans to bolster theAP News:盗贼开挖土机抢劫ATM
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-12
Former FBI Director James Comey says President Donald Trump told him "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty" during an awkward conversation at a January dinneAP News:警方确认伦敦恐袭嫌疑人身份
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-08
A newly leaked document says Russian hackers attacked at least one US voting software supplier just days before the 2016 election, but the National SecurAP News:英国民众缅怀恐袭击遇难者
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-07
British police arrested a dozen people Sunday in a widening investigation after attackers using a van and large knives turned a Saturday night into a bloAP News:12岁女孩赢得美国拼写大赛冠军
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AP News in a Minute2017-06-06
The Trump administration remains steadfast about the decision to withdraw the US from the Paris climate accord. EPA Administor Scott Pruitt said on FridaAP News:吉米·卡特哀悼前国家安全顾问
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AP News in a Minute2017-05-31
President Donald Trump has wrapped up his nine-day overseas trip after delivering a speech to US troops in Italy. G-7 leaders at the summit in Sicily havAP News:希拉里毕业讲话批评特朗普
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AP News in a Minute2017-05-31
Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, Hillary Clinton peppered her Friday commencement speech with barbs against her former rival. SpeakingAP News:台湾法院宣布支持同性婚姻
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AP News in a Minute2017-05-26
Police raided a block of apartments in central Manchester following Monday's attack that killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert. The bombing su
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