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AP News in a Minute
AP News:汉堡神偷专偷汉堡
Top U.S health officials spoke at the White House on Monday, saying the more they learn about Zika, the scared the virus appears. They are asking the congress to approve almost $2
AP News in a Minute2016-04-15AP News:G7外长会在日本广岛召开
Secretary of state John Kerry and foreign ministers from the G7 industrialized nations are meeting in Hiroshima, Japan. They visited a memorial for the atomic bombing Hiroshima tha
AP News in a Minute2016-04-14AP News:希拉里前往纽约地铁拉票
The national weather service says it hasn't been able to determine yet if it was a tornado that moved overnight through central Alabama, leaving several damaged trailer homes. Cre
AP News in a Minute2016-04-13AP News:辉瑞取消与艾尔建合并案
A senior U.S military official says efforts to defeat the Islamic State group are gaining momentum. Rear admiral Andrew Lewis said Wednesday that Iraqi security forces have begun c
AP News in a Minute2016-04-12AP News:康涅狄格大学女篮连续四次夺冠
Senator Ted Cruz wins the Wisconsin Republican presidential primary, finishing far ahead of Donald Trump. Cruz called the victory a turning point and urged the party to rally aroun
AP News in a Minute2016-04-11AP News:NCAA决赛维拉诺瓦击败北卡夺冠
Republican Ted Cruz and Democrat Bernie Sanders are both looking for victories in Tuesday's Wisconsin presidential primary. Republican front runner Donald Trump's wife Melania ma
AP News in a Minute2016-04-08AP News:美国两州调最低时薪
A springtime storm is bringing snow and gusty winds to the northeast, after the region has one of its mildest winters on record. The national weather service says several inches of
AP News in a Minute2016-04-07AP News:特斯拉Model 3接受预定
The U.S pleaded to deepen cooperation with South Korea and Japan on deterring the North Korean nuclear threat. President Obama also met with China's President on the sidelines of
AP News in a Minute2016-04-06AP News:特朗普抛弃忠诚承诺
Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump says he is no longer pledging to support the republican presidential nominee if it isn't him. Trump made the statement in a CNN t
AP News in a Minute2016-04-05AP News:爱尔兰都柏林举行阅兵仪式
A Brussels memorial day was disrupted Sunday when black-clad men started shouting slogan against the Islamic State group. Hundreds of people are memorizing the 31 victims of the Tu
AP News in a Minute2016-04-01AP News:NCAA总决赛开赛在即
Pakistan is observing 3 days of mourning after a massive suicide bombing killed dozens of Christians who were celebrating Easter. Faction ,a Taliban that supports the Islamic State
AP News in a Minute2016-03-31AP News:美警察发现大型毒品走私隧道
Hundreds gathered in central Brussels on Thursday for a moment of silence. Meanwhile, officials say there is a direct connection between the Brussels bombings in this week and last
AP News in a Minute2016-03-30AP News:奥巴马在拉丁美洲发表讲话
Belgium authorities continue to search for a man seen in a surveillance images with two apparent suicide bombers at the Brussels airport. Meanwhile, a Turkish official said one of
AP News in a Minute2016-03-30AP News:布鲁塞尔恐怖袭击嫌犯身份确认
Beligum state broadcaster says it's identified 2 of the men who carried out Tuesday's bombings in Brussels. It says they are brothers, who have been known to police for past crim
AP News in a Minute2016-03-28AP News:英国打造全球最大飞行器
After decades of distrust, president Barack Obama and Cuban president Raul Castro shook hands Monday in Havana's Palace of the Revolution. Obama's 2.5-day trip to Cuba is the fir
AP News in a Minute2016-03-25AP News:奥巴马将会见卡斯特罗
President Obama is scheduled to meet with Cuban president Raul Castro on Monday in Havana. President Obama arrived in Cuba on Sunday for the first visit by U.S president since 1920
AP News in a Minute2016-03-24AP News:奥巴马历史性的访问古巴
President Obama and his family arrived in Cuba for a historic trip to the Island nation. It's the first visit to Cuba by a sitting American president in almost 9 decades.
AP News in a Minute2016-03-23
Cuban pAP News:自动刹车技术将在2022年成为主流标配
The Islamic State group is committing genocide against Christians and other minorities in Iraq and Syria. That's the conclusion announced by Secretary of State John Kerry. He met
AP News in a Minute2016-03-23AP News:美国学生因破坏朝鲜宣传标语被捕
Donald Trump won at least 3 of Tuesday's 5 presidential primaries. He finished 1st in Florida, North Carolina and Illinois. Missouri was a close contest between Trump and senator
AP News in a Minute2016-03-21AP News:欧航局发射火星探测器 德州洪水泛滥
The coast guard is warning residents in Southeast Texas of extreme flood currents. Boaters were advised to stay off a 25-miles stretch of the rain-swollen Sabine river on Monday, o
AP News in a Minute2016-03-18AP News:华盛顿一名警察遭枪杀 土耳其空袭库尔德基地
A man arrested on stage at a Trump rally reportedly told police that he wanted to grab the microphone and yelled Trump as racist. However, the man claimed he didn't want to hurt a
AP News in a Minute2016-03-17AP News:特朗普竞选集会因斗殴取消 巴西举行大规模游行
French air accident investigators are issuing a report on Sunday about what led to the March 2015 German wings jet crash. Officials say that pilot Andreas Lubitz intentionally cras
AP News in a Minute2016-03-16AP News:加拿大总理特鲁多访美 宾夕法尼亚发生枪击案
Authorities in Southwest Pennsylvania are still searching for 2 gunmen in connection with 6 homicides at a cookout Wednesday night. Authorities say the victims include one man and
AP News in a Minute2016-03-15AP News:希拉里和特朗普继续领跑初选
Voters in 4 states are casting ballots in the latest round of president primary. Michigan is considered the crown jewel of Tuesday's contests. Front runner Donald Trump and Hillar
AP News in a Minute2016-03-14AP News:多伦多动物园举行命名仪式 美国完成首例子宫移植
Flags in front of Ronald Reagan presidential library in Simi valley, California were lower Monday morning as part of the preparation for the funeral and burial of Nancy Reagan. The
AP News in a Minute2016-03-13
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