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AP News:NCAA总决赛开赛在即


AP News:NCAA总决赛开赛在即

Pakistan is observing 3 days of mourning after a massive suicide bombing killed dozens of Christians who were celebrating Easter. Faction ,a Taliban that supports the Islamic State group claims it carried out the attack.
Fighters swept through an apartment building in Denver late Sunday night. Early report says 2 people were critically injured and others were either rescued from the second floor or forced to jump.

The owners of a duplex in Dallas says a demolition company knocked down their home as they were considering repairs, following recent tornado damage. The demolition company owner says the mistake was made and he is going to make it right.
And North California Tar Heels and Syracuse Orange head to the NCAA man's final four. The basketball teams face each other in Huston Saturday. The other game features Vilanova against Oklahoma.
Matt Small, the associated press, with AP news minute.