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BBC news 2008-04-06 加文本


BBC 2008-04-06

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BBC News with Lopaco Tary.


The leader of the opposition MDC in Zimbabwe, Morgan Tsvangirai, has accused President Robert Mugabe of preparing a war against Zimbabwean people. Mr Tsvangirai said he’d won the election a week ago, and called on Mr Mugabe to prepare for a peaceful transition. But he said Mr Mugabe had other plans.


Thousands of army recruits are being recruited, militants are being rehabilitated and some few claiming to be war veterans are already on the warpath. Over and above this, the Reserve Bank printing presses are in overdrive to print more money for further bribery activities. Finance of violence and creation of no-go areas for the MDC. Zanu-PF is thus preparing a war on the people. Such we have witnessed in 2000 and 2002.(www.hXen.com)


Zimbabwe’s deputy Information Minister accused the opposition of spreading false reports to get international sympathy.


Three months after the disputed election result in Kenya, plans to form a cabinet cooperating the two parties have been put on hold. The opposition under Raila Odinga has accused President Mwai Kibaki of backtracking on an agreement on a number of ministries each side would be given. Adam Mynott reports from Nairobi.


A key part of the power sharing deal agreed a few weeks ago between President Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga was in equal share out of (the) cabinet positions. Agreement on the revised administration was apparently reached on Thursday, after many days of tense arguments. But the ODM spokesman Salim Lone says President Kibaki’s office has now published a document reversing some of those changes. He said Raila Odinga could not sign up to a cabinet that he did not agree to. There has been no comment from President Kibaki’s office.(www.hXen.com)


President Bush and President Putin of Russia have begun what’s been billed as their farewell summit at the Black Sea resort of Sochi. As Hilray Gate has reports from Sochi, the two main leaders have been on friendly terms, but are not expected to resolve long-standing tensions between their two nations.


Personal rapport and the relaxed atmosphere at the Russian president's dacha is unlikely to be enough for these two outgoing leaders to overcome their differences. Officially, the two presidents would work on a strategic framework document, a kind of road map for future relations between the two countries. But by this time next year, both will have left office. And the two key issues between them, NATO expansion and missile defense will almost certainly remain areas of conflict for their successors to argue over.


An Iraqi priest has been shot dead by unidentified gunmen in central Baghdad. Fayer Youssef Adel was the latest of several prominent Christians to be killed in Iraq. Iraqi Christians repeatedly complained of being targeted by Islam’s militants. And many have fled the country.


World News from the BBC.


The Taliban have accused the French President Nicolas Sarkozy of reneging on an election campaign/ promise by pledging to send 700 more French troops to Afghanistan. A statement on a website used by the Taliban, said that they had only released 2 French aid workers they held last year, because Mr Sarkozy has said he was going to withdraw French forces if he became president.


The computer software giant Microsoft has given Yahoo a three-week deadline to respond to its 40billion-dollar offer to buy out the Internet Company. In a letter to Yahoo, Microsoft says it would take its case directly to Yahoo shareholders if its board directors failed to respond.


And a jury in Miami has awarded more than 250 million dollars to the children of one of Fidel Castro’s opponents who died in a Cuban jail. Rafael del Pino Siero once a friend of Fidel Castro turned against the Cuban leader after he took power. It is believed to be the largest of such award handed down in the US against Cuba. But correspondents say it’s unlikely the children will get much money as frozen Cuban assets are dwindling.


And that’s the latest news from the BBC in London.