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BBC news 2008-04-07 加文本

BBC 2008-04-07

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The high court in Zimbabwe said it would rule on Monday on a petition by the opposition MDC Party demanding immediate release of the presidential election results. The Judge in Harare said he first considered an argument by the Zimbabwe electoral commission, but his court did not have jurisdiction. The governing Zanu-PF Party has called for a recount of the vote. The MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai says he won an outright victory over President Robert Mugabe in the election. He said he would not accept any run off vote.


If they announce the runoff, we will challenge it on the two bases:  on the basis that we are actually above 50%, on the basis that even with that 49% I am the outright winner. With five or six percentage of points above the next challenger, I am the outright winner.


Top level talks on the shape of the proposed new government of Kenya have been postponed without agreement. The new cabinet was supposed to be announced on Sunday, but the former opposition leader and the perspective Prime Minister Raila Odina said that President Kibaki failed in their talks to honor a power sharing agreement. BBC correspondent in Nairobi says President Kibaki has already appointed half (of) his cabinet. (wwW.hxen.net)


United States Embassy in Yemen says that a residential complex housing foreigners in the capital Sana has come under attack and been hit by three explosive rounds. An Embassy statement said there were no reports of injuries but it urged Americans to exercise caution. Yemeni officials are reported to say the complex is situated in the neighbourhood that houses western diplomats and companies.


World news from the BBC.


Presidents Putin and Bush have acknowledged they still have fundamental differences over America’s plans for missile defense. They were speaking after their final summit meeting in the Russian resort of Sochi, from where our correspondent Gabro Gatehouse sent this report.(wwW.hxen.net)


It was their last meeting as leaders of the two great former superpower adversaries. And while there were warm words of appreciation from one president to the other, and back again on the key issues that of NATO enlargement and crucially, missile defense, the Russian President emphasized that the two sides remain wide apart. Now as these two men prepare to step down as presidents of their respective countries, they bequeath to their successors the task of taking those warm words and turning them into agreements.


Officials in France said that contact has been established with pirates who seized the luxury French yacht in the Gulf of Aden on Friday. The yacht has about thirty crew on board, but no passengers. Julia Jelier has more.


The French Foreign Minister, Le Commandant Bouan warned that the negotiations could be a long drawn out affair. He said everything was being done to avoid bloodshed. He didn’t rule out paying a ransom for the crew. 22 are French nationals, the rest are thought to be Ukrainians, six of them are women. The company that owns the yacht has told anxious relatives they have been treated well by the pirates. A French warship is tracking the yacht and French aircraft are monitoring it. The France says there will be no military intervention unless the crew's safety is guaranteed.


The Argentine President Christina Kouchner and the French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy have joined hundreds of people on  a match in Paris to demand the release of Ingrid Betancourt who has been held by FARC guerillas in Colombia. Ms Betancourt, a colombian, who also has French nationality was taken hostage by the FARC in 2002. She’s reportedly very ill with hepatitis B and a skin disease.


BBC News.