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BBC news 2008-05-25 加文本

BBC  2008-05-25

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BBC News with Mike Cooper.

The Colombian government says Manuel Marulanda, the founder and top commander of the left-wing guerilla group FARC has died . The statement from the Defense Ministry in Bogota followed reports in a national news magazine that Mr. Marulanda had suffered a heart attack following bombing raids by the Colombian Air Force. But the Ministry said the cause of death has still to be established. The FARC has not confirmed Mr. Marulanda's death. Jeremy McDermott reports from Colombia.

There had long been rumors that Mr. Marulanda, aged 78, has been ill, including evidence that suggested the aging rebel had prostate cancer. His rebel army is suffering its worst period yet as it celebrates its 44th anniversary, with two top commanders dead, another iconic female leader surrendering and morale at an all time low . The death of Mr. Marulanda, long an inspirational figure for the guerrillas could provoke more desertions and lead to the breakup of the FARC.

The Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has called on the Southern African regional organization SADC to send election monitors and peacekeepers to Zimbabwe by June 1st
. Speaking on his return home after 7 weeks out of the country , Mr. Tsvangirai said ... deployed
later, they’d not be able to ensure the presidential election run-off at the end of June was free and fair. He also spoke of the wider regional impact of the continuing crisis in Zimbabwe .

“The entire SADC region awaits a new Zimbabwe. Our crisis in this country is impacting on their economies and their societies. The xenophobic attacks in South Africa can be directly attributed to Mugabe's failed policies of intolerance and repression, failed policies that have forced thousands to flee their ancestral homes. “(Www.hxen.net)

" The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has opened a new base in Thailand to speed up aid for the Burmese victims of Cyclone Nargis. He described the centre at Bangkok's old airport as a critical staging post that would save lives. Marcus Prior of the UN's World Food Program said that the new base would greatly improve the efficiency of its operations.

"Since the very first days after the cyclone ,er,struck the Delta, we’ve been flying supplies in to the country. We’ve now got about 20 flights in, carrying various supplies , high-energy biscuits , ready-to-eat meals , other important humanitarian supplies . It's obviously great that we now have this hub as well which will allow us just to get that much more in and that much quicker and to prioritize it better." Foreign officials are expected to push for more aid to those in need at
a conference in Rangoon on Sunday.

Police in India said at least 15 people have been killed in fresh clashes between the security forces and protesters belonging to the Gujjar ethnic community in the state of Rajasthan. At least 31 people have died since trouble began on Friday, and the army’s been deployed in some areas. The Gujjars are demanding official recognition to make them eligible for preferential treatment and recruitment.

World News from the BBC . (www.hXen.com)

The new Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has ended his visit to China, during which he said the two countries’ relations were built on a deep similarity of national interests . It was Mr. Medvedev's first trip abroad since his inauguration earlier this month. He said the results were fruitful and serious
. A senior Chinese official Wu Bangguo said China had put relations with Russia high on its foreign policy agenda. On Friday, the Russian president and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao issued a joint statement condemning the United States over its planned missile defense system.

A group of prominent Cuban dissidents has backed a call by the US presidential contender Barack Obama for direct talks with the new Cuban President Raul Castro. The organization, Women and White, comprised of
the wives and mothers of jailed government opponents, wrote to Mr. Obama, saying a meeting might help the release of their relatives. Mr. Obama told Cuban exiles in Miami that he could meet a Cuban leader if elected in November .

English Premier League football club Chelsea has sacked its manager Avram Grant, despite
taking the club to its first Champions League Final. Chelsea lost the final on Wednesday to Manchester United , who also beat them into second place in the English Premiership, leaving the club without a trophy for the season. Grant was in the job just for eight months. Pat Nevin reports .

Despite guiding his team to second place in the English Premier League , Avram Grant has faced criticism during his short tenure as manager of Chelsea. Fans argued that he failed to encourage
top class
playing from his star team. and that he lacked the charisma of his predecessor Jose Mourinho. Grant's departure follows Chelsea's defeat on penalties to Manchester United in Wednesday's Champions League Final in Moscow.

Russia has won the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time with “Believe” sung by Dima Bilan, which gained 40 points more than Ukraine, with third place going to Greece. This year's competition with 43 countries taking part was held in the Serbia capital Belgrade .

BBC News .