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BBC news 2008-08-24 加文本

BBC 2008-08-24

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Welcome to the latest global news recorded at 1500 GMT on Friday, the 22nd of August. I'm Doreen Walton with the selection of highlights from across BBC World Service news today.

Coming up, the Russians are pulling out of Georgia. But there is a disagreement about the troops they plan to leave behind. A respite for the governing coalition in Pakistan as the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif softens his stance on the reinstatement of the country’s judges. But he insists his demand must be met.

If we are to have democracy in this country, then it is a must. I haven’t seen any country in this world where the judges are being house arrested, thrown out of office.

We look at the latest political maneuvering. Also in this podcast, questions are raised about the age of a Chinese Olympic gold winner. The International Olympics Committee orders an investigation.

There have been discrepancies alluded to by certain parties, and IOC is simply wanting to clarify the situation and put this to rest.

Could this reveal deeper problems and issues? And what will Barack Obama’s hotly anticipated text message to his supporters reveal? Stay tuned. And,

I can’t believe Amy Winehouse self-harms. She's so irritating. She must be able to find someone to do it for her.

Laugh or cry, you'll hear some of the jokes chosen by the public at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

But first, the Russian military says it intends to maintain a military presence in Georgia after its withdrawal of most of its troops. But when will this pull-out be completed? Moscow insists its troops are on the way out. This was the Russian Deputy Chief of Staff Anatolii Nagovitsyn at a news conference this morning.

As for the Russian army, they are acting strictly in accordance with international agreements and they have started the final stage of withdrawal of Russian troops to the planned positions. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation has said that by the end of today, the pullback of Russian contingents and everybody knows which border we’re talking about, they will be pulled back.

Our correspondent Gabriel Gatehouse, who is some 35 kilometers from Tbilisi, said he saw a large contingent of Russian troops heading in the direction of the de facto border with South Ossetia.(Www.hxen.net)

They left very quickly and very suddenly. These Russian soldiers have been manning this checkpoint for a week, and now they are controlling this road that heads up towards Gori. And they had a number of tanks camouflaged by the side of the road, armed personnel carriers. Then they looked like they weren’t preparing to leave, then suddenly, all the vehicles got ready. More vehicles joined them that we haven’t seen that were camouflaged clearly elsewhere in the surrounding area. A large line of tanks lined up, and really very suddenly, they’d gone in the direction of South Ossetia. Now the vacuum is then quickly taken by Georgian policemen, in fact, one of their cars arrived, while the tanks were still here. We had that moment where they were both in the same place, but the Russians seemed to ignore them completely. They went up the road, then we saw more buses of Georgian police coming in, some of them manning this checkpoint now exactly where the Russians had been.

Moscow has made it clear that it is going to leave behind 500 peacekeepers who will occupy a buffer zone inside Georgia itself. Konstantin Kosachev is Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian Parliament, the Duma, and a member of the governing United Russia Party. He told the BBC’s Claire Bodeson that Russian troops were pulling out.

Yes, definitely because this is a commitment by the Russian Federation according to this six points plan. And the Russian troops will definitely be taken back from this so-called Georgian territory, and now we do not speak about the South Ossetia, we speak about the rest of the Georgian territory, and they believe that the full-scale withdrawal from South Ossetia, will demand more time, according to our military experts. It may take up to 10 days, but again sooner or later, there will be just the Russian peacekeepers, maybe some other peacekeepers, and no Russian army anywhere in Georgia or in South Ossetia.(Www.hXen.com)

But your military is also talking about leaving, what it calls, a contingent of 500 troops in a buffer zone within Georgia proper.