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BBC news 2008-08-25 加文本

BBC 2008-08-25

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But Georgia is demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces to the positions they held before the conflict erupted at the beginning of the month. What about the Russian troops in South Ossetia who were stationed there as peacekeepers before that date? Giorgi Baramidze is vice Prime Minister of Georgia. He said he was satisfied that Russian troops were leaving but that the peacekeepers must also withdraw in the near future.

We are satisfied it started, but they have to withdraw completely. What we are saying could be that they have to respect ceasefire accord that had been signed by three presidents, but we hear from Russia, they think that they are going to stay in Georgia, breaking this ceasefire accord, and they are talking about, staying in South Ossetia, Abkhazia even more making stations around some buffer zone, and this kind of things which is [are] absolutely not with this peace accord. Russia must understand that they have to leave sovereign country's territory. Aggressor can not be peacekeeper. According [to] peace accord, it clearly says that the Russian forces must withdraw into positions that they were until 6th of August. That means in Russian Federation and as far as a so-called peacekeeper is concerned, they have to leave as soon as OSCE (The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) monitoring mission will arrive.

Giorgi Baramidze, vice Prime Minister of Georgia.(Www.hxen.net)

The party of the late Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has proposed her widower, Asif Ali Zardari, as its candidate for president in the elections to be held on September 6th. It's not yet clear whether he'll accept. The second biggest party in the governing coalition may field a separate candidate. The BBC's Oana Beno Johns gave his assessment of who is likely to become Pakistan's next president.

The money is on Asif Zardari, the widower of Benazir Bhutto, a man who has faced corruption and murder charges in Pakistan, has spent nearly a decade in prison in this country. And many Pakistanis are frankly shocked that that is the outcome. Others support him. He is very likely to get it, it seems he's got the numbers in place, and that he will be the next president of Pakistan.

Asif Ali Zardari's main rival is the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who is the leader of the other big party in the governing alliance. He's been threatening to leave the coalition unless the judges sacked by the former Preisdent Pervez Musharraf are reinstated. But now he's extended the deadline on this contentious issue to the middle of next week. He told Oana Beno Johns that it was imperative to restore the country's judiciary.

It has to happen. If we are to have democracy in this country, then it is a must. I haven't seen any county in this world where the judges are being house arrested, their children not allowed to go to school, and now thrown out of office. Mr. Musharraf had no authority in the constitution or in the law, to remove judges.

Imagine when you are in office, a mob stormed the Supreme Court?

No, no. This is absolutely wrong. I am the only Prime Minister who appeared before the court and which was being presented by the Chief Justice not once, but twice.

Ok. Well, let me ask you about the current situation, because about four months ago, I remember you saying, this could happen, the restoration of the judges could happen in a matter of hours. And it still hasn't happened until today, you've just accepted it. What many would say it's another delaying tactic by the Pakistan Peoples Party? Why have you accepted it?

It's not my fault. We made a commitment. We don't have enough numbers in the parliament to do it. We have to depend on the Peoples Party. And we have supported them through thick and thin. And today we have supported them in this impeachment also. And as a result of the pressure of the impeachment, Mr. Musharraf resigned. So Mr. Zardari has given a solemn pledge this time, a written document that the judges will be restored within 24 hours after the resignation of Mr. Musharraf. Technically, the judges should have been restored on the 19th of this month, four days ago. That has not been done. So today, Mr. Zardari is talking about three more days for the resolution to be drafted and brought into the parliament. So we, we will, we're still cooperating.

Two more questions. Will General Musharraf be charged?

I don't know. It is up to the parliament to decide. But I and my party have no intention to give him indemnity in the constitution. I think such a person, who is guilty of abrogating the Constitution, arresting the judges, dismissing the parliament, must not be given indemnity, at least in the constitution.

The former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif talking to Oana Beno Johns.