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1. A bell chimed the hour of the Castel Gandolfo, the Papal summer residence, the Swiss Guards swung shut and bolted the massive outer doors, they saluted and hung up their halberts.

hang up 挂上; 挂住
例句:I have to hang up now.

2. The US soldier accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of documents to the Wikileaks website has pleaded not guilty to the charge of aiding the enemy.

hundreds of thousands of 几十万,无数
例句:They have sold hundreds of thousands of copies.

3. If the judge accepts his plea, Private Manning could still face up to 20 years in prison, but not the life sentence the government is seeking.

face up 面朝上
例句:You must face up to life.

4. At least 30 people have been killed and hundreds injured in protests across Bangladesh after an Islamist leader was sentenced to death for his role in the war of independence against Pakistan.

at least 至少
例句:At least two yeas of experience.

5. Protesters damaged cars and fought pitched battles with police in the southern city of Chittagong soon after the Islamist leader was sentenced to death.

be sentenced to 被判处
例句:If convicted, he could be sentenced to death.

6. In the southern region, houses and temples of minority Hindu community were burnt down.

burn down (火)减弱;(使)烧毁;焚毁
例句:The village was burn down to the ground during the war.

7. The former president of Haiti Jean-Claude Duvalier has appeared in court for hearing about human rights abuses during his rule in the 1970s and 80s.

hear about 得悉,听说;因…受到报偿或惩罚;耳闻
例句:Did you hear about elizabeth?

8. The measures are due to take effect automatically on Friday unless President Obama can reach a deal with Republicans in Congress.

due to 欠下债[账],应给予;由于;定于
例句:His success is due to industry.

9. The move follows an Israeli television documentary that claimed a number of Ethiopian women had been given the injections against their will.

a number of 许多的;一些
例句:They laid down a number of rules.