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BBC在线收听下载:芬兰总理选举落败 在野中间党赢得选举



1. So one we have to look at the crux of the problem, which is how to control these human traffickers from not making more money out of these poor people who are looking for a better future, and instead of finding a better future, they ended up at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

insted of (用…)代替…, (是…)而不是…, (用…)而不用…
例句:Eat fruit instead of drinking juices.
end up (以…)结束; 最终成为[变得]; 最后处于
例句:All reactionaries invariably begin by making trouble and end up in defeat.

2. The Archbishop said every trip he makes to this region reinforces his fear that Christian communities, who've existed here for two thousand years, were now at risk of dying. Last year, he backed the air campaign against Islamic State in Iraq, but emphasised military action alone was not the answer.

at risk of 处于危险中
例句:He saved three children alive at risk of his life.

3. The video maks it clear they were killed because of their religion.

because of 因为
例句:He is feeling wretched today because of the rain.

4. Of the fear that they are very concerned about that, partly because the games are held very late at night, so people don't want to take their children or their wives there, but also because of the levels of violence as you've seen in and off the pitch.

concern about 挂念,担心
例句:She showed great concern about you.

5. Leaders of the Israeli Football Association are expected to travel to Switzerland this week in an attempt to fight off a Palestinian attempt to have them suspended from world's football's governing body, FIFA.

be expected to 期许
例句:I shall be expected to shell out the money for the party.