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BBC在线收听下载:美国童子军执行委员会废除禁令 同性恋将可担任领袖



1. The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is facing growing opposition in Athens to sweeping the austerity measures he agreed to introduce in exchange for a new bailout. Mark Mardell reports from Athens.
in exchange for 交换
例句:He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.

2. Significant tax extension and labor reforms have to pass through Parliament in record time.

pass through 通过; 经过
例句:The elephant is very big. It can't pass through the door.

3. At least eight officers were injured after being pelted by rocks and bottles. Andy M reports.

at least 至少
例句:At least, I sincerely hope so.

4. On the national side, officers had to lift a car onto its side to free a girl who had been run over.

run over 造访; 驱车送; 溢出;撞倒
例句:He was run over and had to be taken to hospital.

5. Gay adults will be allowed to serve as Boy Scout leaders in the United States after a unanimous vote to lift a ban that’s lasted more than a century.

more than 多于
例句:There is more than a whiff of propaganda.

6. But in May the Boy Scouts of America’s president Robert Gates warned such a ban could simply not continue, and said scouts should deal with the world as it was, not as they might wish it to be.

deal with 处理
例句:I have a huge pile of letters to deal with.