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BBC在线收听下载:柬埔寨滥伐森林活动猖獗 林木减少速度惊人



1. French officials are examining part of an aircraft washed up on an Indian Ocean island to find out whether it comes from a missing Malaysian plane.

wash up <英>饭后洗餐具; <美>洗脸和手; 将…冲上岸
例句:I 'll just go and wash up before lunch.

2. Investigators should be able to tell quite quickly whether this piece of debris thought to be part of a wing is from the missing Malaysian aircraft.

be able to 能够
例句:He is able to lift a very heavy weight.

3. Russia has blocked an attempt at the United Nations to set up an international tribunal to try those who shot down a passenger plane over eastern Ukraine a year ago.

set up 建立
例句:They set up many branches throughout the country.

4. Security has been stepped up in Mumbai since Wednesday to prevent any violent reactions to the execution.

step up 加紧
例句:We must step up our vigilance.

5. Deforestation has long been a big issue in Cambodia. In the 1990s, timber felling permits, granted by the government, led to a rapid decline in tree cover in Cambodia.

lead to 导致
例句:That may lead to a serious split in our class.