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BBC news 2017-03-26

BBC News with Jonathan Izard.

The planned vote in the US Congress on Donald Trump’s healthcare bill has been delayed in what’s been seen as a setback for the President. More than 2 dozen members of the House of Representatives in Mr. Trump’s Republican Party has threatened to vote against the legislation unless more changes were made. The Vice President Mike Pence insisted that strong progress was being made in efforts towards passing the bill.

The number of victims of an attack outside Parliament in London on Wednesday has risen to four following the death of a 75-year-old man. He was among dozens injured when a car struck pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before the driver went on to fatally stab a policeman. The attacker Khalid Masood was shot dead by police.

The former Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has been ordered to stand trial on charges of financial mismanagement. She and a number of ex-officials were accused of ordering a sale of government debt that lost the country hundreds of millions of dollars.

A journalist has been shot dead in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, the third to be killed in the country this month. Miroslava Breach reported on organized crime, drug-trafficking and corruption.

One of the leading candidates in the French presidential election centrist Emmanuel Macron has won the backing of a senior member of the socialist government. The Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has expected to make the support public in a newspaper interview on Friday.

The man who led Hilary Clinton’s campaign for the US presidency last year has told BBC he is certain that Russia interfered the election process. John Podesta said he expected Moscow to do the same in this year’s elections in France and Germany.

The authorities in Belarus say 26 opposition activists have been arrested following recent anti-government demonstrations. State media quoted the security agency, saying that they have been detained as part of investigation into the preparation of mass unrest. Further protests are planned for this weekend.

BBC news.