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BBC news 2017-12-14

BBC News with Neil Nunes.

Provisional results in Alabama’s election for new a representative into the U.S senate suggested the race is too close to call between the Republican and Democratic rivals. With more than a half of preceding support results, the Republican Roy Moore resorted but tied with the Democratic contender Doug Jones. In the campaign, Mr. Moore tried to brush over allegations of sexual misconduct with teenagers. But some Republicans have distanced themselves from Mr. Moore. The win for Doug Jones in Alabama, a traditionally conservative state could be a major political upset.

The U.S secretary of state Rex Tillerson says America is willing to hold direct talks with North Korea without preconditions. He said the topic would not matter, it could simply be about the weather. But the point was to make out roadmap for formal negotiations. The U.S has previously demanded that the North must first disarm.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Political Affairs Chief Jeffrey Feltman says North Korean officials have told him they wanted to prevent the war on the Korean Peninsula.
He said they made their view known during the first in-depth political exchange of view in 8 years between the U.S secretariat and North Korea officials in Pyongyang.

UNICEF has warned that more than 400,000 severely malnourished children under the age of 5 in the Democratic Republic of Congo could die within months without emergency intervention. It said the crisis was due to a combination of violence, mass displacement of families and slumping agricultural output.

Scientists in Britain have suggested that bumblebees are much more intelligent than have previously been supposed. The bees were given the task of finding the most efficient roots between different sources of food and far from bumbling, learnt to avoid tempting traps and to refine their fly parts between flower feeding stations.

BBC news.