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BBC news 2017-12-15
BBC News with Debbie Russ.
Britain's main opposition labor party says Prime Minister Teresa May has suffered a humiliating loss of authority after losing a key parliamentary vote on Brexit. Mrs. May's defeat forces the government to guarantee that MPs will be allowed a meaningful vote before any final deal on Britain's departure from the European Union.
英国主要反对派工党表示,首相特蕾莎 梅在脱欧事宜上失去了议会关键性的一票后,其权威也一落千丈。梅的折戟迫使英国政府不得不想办法确保议会议员在英国脱欧尘埃落定前能进行有意义的投票。

The World Trade Organization summit in Argentina, the first since Donald Trump came to power, has failed to reach any agreement. The EU’s trade commissioner blamed the failure on what she called "Disruptive behavior by several large countries". The meeting was overshadowed by concerns about U.S protectionism.

Syrian state media and activists are reporting that air strikes by the U.S led coalition have killed at least 23 civilians in the eastern province of Deir ez-Zor. The state news agency called it a massacre. The strikes targeted a village controlled by Islamic State militants.
叙利亚官媒和多位活动家报道称,由美国领导的联盟进行的空袭导致东部代尔祖尔省(Deir ez-Zor)至少23名平民死亡。该官媒称这些空袭是一次大屠杀。

Police in the American state of Kentucky say a local lawmaker has committed suicide after being accused of sexually molesting a teenage girl. The Bullitt county representative Dan Johnson shot himself on a bridge. Mr. Johnson has strenuously denied the claim he molested a girl in a church in 2012.
美国肯塔基州警方表示,当地某议员在受到性骚扰一名少女的指控后自杀。这名来自布利特县的议员丹 约翰逊(Dan Johnson)在桥上开枪自杀。约翰逊极力否认自己曾于2012年在教堂中对一名女孩进行过性骚扰。

Tensions over North Korea's nuclear program are expected to be high on the agenda in talks in Beijing between the Chinese president Xi Jinping and his visiting South Korea counterpart Moon Jae-in. The issue has previously strained bilateral relations.

Judges in El Salvador have rejected an appeal from a woman sentenced to 30 years in prison under the country's strict abortion laws, when her new-born baby was found dead. She has already served 10 years in jail, but also protested her innocence.

German scientists have discovered what they say as the oldest known fossil of sea creature that swam at the time of the dinosaur. They found that the plesiosaur lurked in the ocean more than 200 million years ago.

BBC news.