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Hello, I am Neil Nunes with the BBC News. France aims to reinvigorate international efforts to tackle globle warming as a summit to get underway in the French capital. Two years since the Paris accord was signed, some participants have warned that trillions of dollars of investment are required, if global temperature rises are to be limited to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Here is Jaru Shabi. When more than 190 countries signed the Paris climate accord, it was hailed as a historic pact. A hundred billion dollars a year would to be set aside by 2020. Much of it to help developing country make the switch from harmful fossil fuels. But they've been struggling to raise that and president Trump's decision to withdraw from the agreement has cast doubt on the whole process. President Macron restress that the money targets need to be met and he says he will not renegotiate the agreement.

The largest American oil and gas producer ExxonMobil has said it would assess the impact of climate change on its business. Investors controlling about two thirds of ExxonMobil's shares backed the proposal for an annual assessment of the impact of technological change and climate policy on the company's operations. The company did not provide details. Activists have long been pushing Exxon and other oil giants to take more action to acknowledge climate change and help tackle it. Finance ministers in five European countries have written to the U.S. counterpart to warn that plan changes to American tax law could violate international rules and damage world trade. Lilian Nasa explains. In a signed letters to the U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin,the ministers highlight plans for 20% excise tax on payments by firms in the US to foreign-affiliated companies. A measure they say would flout World Trade Organization rules and risks seriously hampering trade between the US and European economies. Well, the UK hopes for a bilateral trade deal with the US after Brexit. President Trump has repeatedly displayed protectionist instincts. A spokesperson for the US Treasury said the department appreciated the Finance ministers' views.

The US ambassador to Britain said he believes president Trump will still come to London in the new year, despite the diplomatic fallout that followed his retweets of a British Far-right group two weeks ago. Here is James Lando. Two weeks ago, Donald Trump retweeted some anti-Muslim videos that had been posted originally by a British Far-right organization. Theresa May rebutted the President. He rebutted the Prime Minister back. And amid the ensuing diplomatic realm, there were calls for Mr.Trump's planned working visit to the UK to be abandoned. But the US ambassador to Britain Woody Johnson has told this program that he thinks the president will soon come in the new year. James Lando.

World news from the BBC