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BBC news 2018-07-20

BBC News.

The European Commission is warning countries across the EU to step up preparations for a no-deal Brexit. In a paper seen by the BBC, the Commission says there could be serious consequences for governments, travelers and businesses if no agreement is reached.

The Israeli parliament has passed a law declaring that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country. The nation’s state law downgrades Arabic as unofficial language and says Jewish settlements are in the national interest. Israeli Arab MPs have denounced the move as racist.

According to a British news agency, police in the UK have identified several people they believe to be behind the nerve agent attack on the former Russian agent spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury earlier this year. The press association says the Russian suspects have been identified using CCTV images.

Turkey has lifted the state of emergency, imposed after a failed coup two years ago. Under the emergency, 80,000 people were arrested and more than 150,000 civil servants dismissed.
The evacuation of thousands of people from the last two besieged pro-government towns in Syria’s northwest has been completed. The state news agency said over a hundred buses took part in the operation.

The Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbul has called on Pope Francis to sack the disgraced Archbishop of Adelaide Philip Wilson after he was convicted of covering up child sex abuse. Archbishop Wilson is the most senior Catholic cleric to be convicted of the charge.

A court in South Korea has ruled the government is partly liable for the botched rescue of more than 300 people who drowned when their ferry sank in 2014. The court ordered the state to pay at least 177,000 dollars in compensation to the family of each victim.

BBC News.