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BBC news with Julie Candler.
President Trump will hold a second summit with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un near the end of February. It's expected to focus on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The White House didn't say anything about how to advance the nuclear talks that have made very little progress since the first summit last year.

The White House has condemned the categorically false allegations that President Trump ordered his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to congress about his business links with Russia before he took office. If substantiated, the allegations could trigger impeachment proceedings. Mr. Trump's current lawyer has denied the claims.

The U.S. government has confirmed that an American-born Iranian journalist has been detained since Sunday as a material witness in an undisclosed federal investigation. A federal court order said Marzieh Hashemi is expected to be released after she testifies before a grand jury.

The rights group Amnesty International says its analysis of satellite imagery of the town of Rann in northwest Nigeria reveals extensive destruction following an attack by Boko Haram militants on Monday. Amnesty said the images confirmed previous descriptions of the town as like a graveyard.

Police in the Sudanese capital Khartoum have opened fire at mourners attending the funeral of a man killed during clashes with the security forces. Doctors have announced a strike at a large private hospital after a doctor and a boy were also shot dead on Thursday.

Human rights groups in Zimbabwe said at least 12 people have been killed this week during violent protests sparked by a sharp increase in the price of fuel. Hospitals and clinics have reportedly treated more than 70 people who have been shot by security forces.

Hundreds more Central American migrants have crossed into Mexico without waiting for a humanitarian visa. They are joining the caravans heading towards the U.S border.

BBC news.