栏目广告位一 |
Hello, I'm Mary Marshall with the BBC News.The US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has become the first member of President Trump's cabinet to be questioned by the Special Counsel,
This is the BBC News with Nick Kelly.Much of the US Federal Government will remain shutdown in the start of the new working week, after the Senate postponed the vote on the budget
BBC news 2018-01-25BBC News with Neil Nunes.Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro says he plans to stand again in earlier presidential elections that are to be held by the end
BBC news 2018-01-24
BBC news 2018-01-24请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-24 BBC在线收听下载:土耳其轰炸叙利亚的库尔德武装
This is the BBC News.Hello, I'm Johnason Izard. Afghan security forces have been fighting floor by floor to gain control of a luxury hotel in Kabul after it was stormed by heavily
BBC news 2018-01-23BBC News with Jerry Smit.Turkey’s state news agency says the army captured several Syrian villages on Sunday on the first day of its ground offensive again
Hello, I'm Neil Nunes with the BBC News.Scientists have taken a step towards one of the biggest goals in medicine, a universal blood test for cancer. A team at Johns Hopkin Univer
BBC news 2018-01-22
BBC news 2018-01-22请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-22 -
BBC news 2018-01-21
BBC news 2018-01-21请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-21 BBC在线收听下载:朝鲜韩国冬奥会共同组冰球队
This is the BBC News. Hello, I'm Jonathan Izard.North and South Korea have agreed to march under the same flag in next month's Winter Olympic in South Korea and to field a joint
BBC news 2018-01-20
BBC news 2018-01-20请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-20 BBC在线收听下载:特朗普前首席战略顾问班农被要求出庭作证
Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC News.The New York Time says President Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon has been ordered to testify before a grand jury as part of a
Hello, I'm Ally McHugh with the BBC News.In Venezuela, at least 2 people have been killed and 5 arrested in an operation to capture a runagate police pilot. Oscar Perez has been o
BBC news 2018-01-19
BBC news 2018-01-19请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-19 BBC在线收听下载:乌干达血库储备告急
BBC news 2018-01-18BBC News with Eileen McCue.The Ethiopian government says it has freed a leading opposition politician after more than a year in detention. The release of Merera
Hello,I'm Debby Ruse with the BBC News.The authorities in Hawaii have admitted that a false alert for incoming missile attack was issued to more than a million people because an o
BBC news 2018-01-17BBC News with Jonathon Izard.13 siblings have been rescued from a house in California. Police said that they appeared malnourished and some have been chained to
Hello, I'm Debbie Ruse with the BBC News.President Trump has dismissed proposals for bipartisan agreement on immigration,using derogatory language about Haiti, El Salvador and co
BBC news 2018-01-16
BBC news 2018-01-16请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-16 -
BBC news 2018-01-15
BBC news 2018-01-15请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-15 -
BBC news 2018-01-14
BBC news 2018-01-14请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-14 -
BBC news 2018-01-13
BBC news 2018-01-13请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-13 -
BBC news 2018-01-12
BBC news 2018-01-12请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2018-01-12 BBC在线收听下载:韩国总统文再演重申半岛无核化
BBC news 2018-01-11BBC News with Fiona McDonald.Steve Bannon, a key player in President Trump’s rise to office has lost his job as head of the right wing website Breitbart ne
Hello,I'm Debbie Ruse with the BBC News.Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has again been chosen as a candidate for the top job at the age of 92. He stepped down 1
栏目广告位二 |