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BBC news 2017-10-16
BBC news 2017-10-16请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-10-16 BBC在线收听下载:特朗普欲终止核协议
BBC news 2017-10-15BBC News with Fiona McDonald.President Trump has said he's prepared to terminate American participation in the nuclear deal with Iran,prompting condemnation fro
BBC news 2017-10-14BBC news with Jerry Smit.President Trump is expected later today to withdraw his backing for the international agreement that restricts the Iran's nuclear progr
BBC news 2017-10-13
BBC news 2017-10-13请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-10-13 -
BBC news 2017-10-12
BBC news 2017-10-12请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-10-12 BBC在线收听下载:法国工会呼吁罢工反对马克龙的改革计划
BBC news 2017-10-11BBC news with Neil Nunes.More than a dozen wild fires raging across the U.S state of California's northern wine region have killed at least 10 people and forced
BBC news 2017-10-10BBC news with Jerry Smit.A day before the Catalan leader addresses the regional parliament, it remains unclear whether he will declare independence from Spain. A
BBC news 2017-10-09BBC News with Jonathan Izard.The latest official to quit the Trump administration, the Health Secretary Tom Price, has resigned after a scandal of travel on gove
BBC news 2017-10-08BBC news with Jonathon Izard.President Trump accepts the resignation of his health secretary Tom Price who had come under pressure after it emerged he had been u
BBC news 2017-10-07
BBC news 2017-10-07请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-10-07 BBC在线收听下载:美卫生部长普赖斯辞职
BBC news 2017-10-06BBC news with Nick Kelly.The White House says Donald Trump’s embattled health secretary Tom Price has offered his resignation and the president has accepte
BBC news 2017-10-05BBC News.President Trump has set out plans for what he says will be the largest tax-cuts in the American history. He said he wanted to make tax code simpler and
BBC news 2017-10-04BBC news.Residents of Iraq's Kurdish region have voted by huge majority in favor of independence. The official result of Monday's referendum shows a 92% yes vo
BBC news 2017-10-03 加文本
BBC news 2017-10-03BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.The people of Iraq's Kurdistan region have voted massively in favor of indepedance in a referendum. Electoral officials say ther
英音英语听力2017-10-03 -
BBC news 2017-10-02
BBC news 2017-10-02请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-10-02 -
BBC news 2017-10-01
BBC news 2017-10-01请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-10-01 BBC在线收听下载:泰国前总理英拉疑已逃出泰国
BBC news 2017-09-30BBC news with Stewart Macintosh.Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has demanded the cancellation of the outcome of the independence referendum held in the c
BBC news 2017-09-29BBC News with Gareth Barlow.Iraqi’s Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi has demanded the cancellation of the outcome of the independence referendum held in the
BBC news 2017-09-28
BBC news 2017-09-28请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-09-28 BBC在线收听下载:洛伦索宣誓就任安哥拉总统
BBC news 2017-09-27BBC news with Neil Nunes.The New York Times is reporting that at least six of President Donald Trump's closest advisors, including his daughter Ivanka have brea
BBC news 2017-09-26BBC news with Neil Nunes.Angela Merkel is on the course for a 4th term as German Chancellor after winning parliamentary elections, but her authority has been gre
BBC news 2017-09-25BBC News with Debbie Russ.In the past half hour, the transport authority in London has announced that the app-based private taxi service Uber will lose its right
英音英语听力2017-09-25BBC在线收听下载:英国首相演讲 试图打破“脱欧”谈判僵局
BBC news 2017-09-24***部分不完整省略***BBC news with Rosemary Crick.Prominent European Union figures have given a qualified welcome to a speech by the British Prime Minster Theresa
BBC news 2017-09-23
BBC news 2017-09-23请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-09-24 BBC在线收听下载:研究称纹身墨水会进入淋巴
BBC news 2017-09-22Hello, I’m Claudia Helmand. I’ll be here very soon with health check from the BBC, the show that looks at the latest medical and healthy findings and
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