栏目广告位一 |
BBC news 2017-08-27BBC News with Jim lee.North Korea's latest missile test appears to have been unsuccessful. United States military said Pyongyang had fired 3 short range ballist
BBC news 2017-08-26
BBC news 2017-08-26请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-08-26 BBC在线收听下载:“双重国籍”冲击澳大利亚政坛
BBC news 2017-08-25BBC News.The Brazilian government has abolished a vast national reserve in the Amazon to open up the area to commercial mineral exploration. The area covering 46
BBC news 2017-08-24BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.Dutch police have cancelled a rock concert in Rotterdam at the last minute after a tip-off from Spanish police. Dutch officials s
BBC news 2017-08-23
BBC news 2017-08-23请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-08-24 BBC在线收听下载:美国喜剧演员杰瑞刘易斯去世
BBC news 2017-08-22BBC News with Marian Marshall.Spanish police say they have identified the driver of the van that mowed down crowds walking along Barcelona's main tourist street
BBC news 2017-08-21BBC News.The government of the Spanish region of Catalonia has contradicted an assertion that the central authorities of Madrid that the Jihadist soul behind two
BBC news 2017-08-20BBC News.President Trump’s Ideological Mentor and Controversial Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon has been sacked. And the statement said the White House Chie
BBC news 2017-08-19BBC News.The authorities in the Spanish city of Barcelona say 13 people have been killed and 80 injured by a van, which deliberately drove into them at a popular
BBC news 2017-08-18BBC News with Julie Candler.Two former U.S. Republican presidents, George Bush Sr. and his son, George W., have called on Americans to reject racism and anti-sem
BBC news 2017-08-17BBC News with Julie Candler.The authorities in Sierra Leone say rescue workers have recovered nearly 400 bodies from Monday's mudslide on the outskirts of the c
BBC news 2017-08-16BBC News with Kathy Clugston.At least 300 people are known to have died in mudslides and flooding in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. The number of casualt
BBC news 2017-08-15BBC News Eileen MaCcue.In a dramatic scene in the US city of Charlottesville, Virginia, one of the organizers of Saturday’s far-right rally, Jason Kessler
BBC news 2017-08-14
BBC news 2017-08-14请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-08-14 BBC在线收听下载:肯尼亚现总统肯雅塔赢得连任
BBC news 2017-08-13BBC News with Rose Marycrick.Within the past few minutes, the election commission in Kenya has declared that Tuesday’s presidential election was won by the
BBC news 2017-08-12
BBC news 2017-08-12请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-08-13 -
BBC news 2017-08-11
BBC news 2017-08-11请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-08-11 -
BBC news 2017-08-10
BBC news 2017-08-10请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-08-10 -
BBC news 2017-08-09
BBC news 2017-08-09请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-08-09 BBC在线收听下载:女足欧洲杯荷兰击败丹麦夺冠
BBC news 2017-08-08BBC News with Julie Candler.The Venezuelan authorities say they have suppressed, what they termed, a terrorist attack on an army base in the City of Valencia. Di
BBC news 2017-08-07BBC News with Rosemary Craig.The United States has confirmed that it will pull out of the Paris climate agreement. Washington has informed the United Nations, fo
BBC news 2017-08-06BBC News with Stuart Mackintosh.Venezuela’s controversial constituent assembly has been holding its first session in the capital, Caracas. In a defiance sp
BBC news 2017-08-05
BBC news 2017-08-05请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
英音英语听力2017-08-05 BBC在线收听下载:美国科学家首次修复人类胚胎DNA
BBC news 2017-08-04BBC News with Eileen McCue.President Trump has reluctantly signed into law a congressional bill imposing sanctions on Russia over its policy in Ukraine and alleg
BBC news 2017-08-03
BBC news 2017-08-03请大家先自己尝试听写或听完写下大意以练习提高自己的听力....听力文本内容随后再放上...
栏目广告位二 |