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Beijing, China was the last stop on this one-week trip by Hillary Clinton, meetings today with the senior leadership of China. And a senior US official briefing reporter's telling us what had happened in those meetings. He said that the, they covered a lot of ground, both sides going the issues, over the issues that are of concern to them, everything from climate change to the economic meltdown, to Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. He said that the Chinese made it very clear that they want to improve relations with the United States and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that it is time to take the relationship to the next level. Here’s what she said after the meeting with the foreign minister at a news press right after that.

"And I appreciate greatly the Chinese government's continuing confidence in United States treasuries. I think that's a well-grounded confidence. We have every reason to believe that the United States and China will recover, and that, together, we will help to lead the global recovery."

The issue of human rights came up too. That has been an irritant traditionally in the relationship between China and the United States. The Chinese for their part brought up essentially two things: Taiwan and Tibet. Secretary Clinton's saying that they need to narrow the differences on human rights. But interestingly she said that there may be areas in which the United States and China will agree to disagree. Now what specifically was accomplished? Well, there was one agreement to create what's going to be called the Strategic and Economic Dialogue. They still have to put the details on that. It's very new. But Secretary Clinton will be participating in that as will the Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. So as this trip concludes Sunday, Secretary Clinton will be going to church. After that, she will be meeting with some women's organizations and civil society groups, and then she will jump on her plane and head back to the United States.

Jill Dougherty, cnn, Beijing.


briefing [uncountable and countable]: information or instructions that you get before you have to do something
ground [uncountable]: a subject or area of knowledge
meltdown [uncountable and countable]: a situation in which prices fall by a very large amount or an industry or economic situation becomes much weake
well-grounded[=well-founded]: a belief or feeling etc that is well-grounded (well-founded) is based on facts or good judgmen
irritant [countable]: formal something that keeps annoying you over a period of time

narrow [intransitive and transitive]: if a range, difference etc narrows, or if something narrows it, it becomes less

agree to differ/disagree: if two people agree to differ, they accept that they have different opinions about something and stop arguing about it