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In 9 states, investigators search homes and businesses, moving in on alleged assisted suicide ring ---- the Final Exit Network(1) which they believe helps people commit suicide by inhaling helium.

They hold your hands down so you can not remove the bag from your head, so even though they might ask you “Are you sure about this?” Once it starts, there is no turning back.

At least 4 people have now been charged in connection with the Georgia man's death, among them Thomas Goodwin, the head of Final Exit and his assistant Claire Blehr. On its website Final Exit says it is an all volunteer network, serving people who suffer from a “intolerable condition”. They claim they never actively participate nor encourage anyone to hasten their deaths. But authorities in Phoenix think differently.

And that's what's very disturbing about this death, here in Phoenix, the Van Voorhis’ death, because this was not a person who was terminally ill but rather somebody who was depressed, mentally ill

There have been no charges in that case yet. But today the infamous doctor Jack Kevorkian who says he has nothing to do with the Exit network reacted to the raids.

It's a witch hunt(2), it's an inquisition in action again.

It is unclear just how many deaths authorities are now looking into, but more arrests and charges could follow as officials try to determine if it was legal help or homicide.

Kristen Dahlgren, NBC news


(2) Witch hunt: An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.