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We are gonna make friends faster in this competitive job market. It's who you know know what you know. 80% of jobs are obtained through net working, so your first step should be to reach out to professional organizations in your industry. And to find those, check out Yahoo’s directory at DIR.YAHOO.COM, another good option here your college’s alumni directory, find out that if there're old classmates who are working at companies that you are interested in. And don't forget the social net working sites; here are a list of social networking sites that could help you make your entry way into your next job -- BRIGHTFUSE, FACEBOOK.COM and LINKEDIN.COM.

There are so many websites out there, so many ways you can search for both good and bad information on people that you might wanna hire, I mean, you can simply put in someone's name and google, and there is plenty of information available. (Agree)

That's right. But, you know, as a person looking for the job, you gotta make sure that your image on the web is accurate and it highlights your best work. Check out ZIGGS.COM, where you can post a free professional profile on site. If a recruiter is looking for a job candidate on line, your name, majors, pop up at the top of a web search, you will be sent an e-mail or alert when someone clicks and views on your page, sometimes your professional profile is already online and you may not even know it -- ZOOMINFO.COM, scours the web. Press releases business websites for your professional info. If your profile is on this site, make sure all your information is correct and supplement anything that is already there, companies may use these sites to pick out high-quality job prospects.

You know we’ve discussed that, we don't have as many as retail giants hiring temporary worker, part-time worker during the holidays  this year, but still temporary work, or freelance work is a real viable option.

And it's a great way to make contacts in your field, while it may not be the ideal work situation, it will allow you to get more experience, expand your resume. Here're some web resources to help you, SOLOGIG.COM, GURU.COM, PROJECT4HIRE.COM. If you are into volunteering, check out IDEALIST.ORG or VOLUNTEERMATCH.ORG great websites.

Of course there're always the mistakes that can be made when you're doing the job search. What are some career consulters suggesting in terms of what you shouldn’t do?

Well, consulters are saying that some internet job sites like MONSTER, HOTJOBS are unlikely to help much, surely they are well known, but everyone ...they are looking at those postings and posting online. Next don’t send out a resume that’s more than a page long, the shorter and cleaner your resume looks the better. Finally don't forget who you’re sending your resume to, keep a list of names and contacts, after a few weeks, it’s harder to remember exactly what you've applied, if you’ve sent out dozens of applications. And if you have any questions about finding a job or how you are coping with job loss, e-mail me at gerri@cnn.com.