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众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。嫁一个如意郎君是许多MM的梦想,怎样在茫茫人海当中找到心中的那个他? 请听专家的一些金玉良言。

Finding love is not easy, you know that, but our next guest takes some of the mystery out of it. Patti Stanger is a star of TV's Millionaire Matchmaker and now author of Become Your Own Matchmaker, 8 easy steps for attracting your perfect mate.

Good morning, Patt.

Thanks for having me.

Thanks for being here, I love the book, it's so much fun to read (oh, thank you)

And you say in it that any woman who can't find a man, it's her own fault. (Absolutely) why?

Coz men are everywhere, everywhere.

The problem is we get so...so dependent on being so negative. We sit in our house as expecting the prince charming to stop at our doorsteps. It ain't happening. That's the movies.

So there are so many books though out there that claim to have the solution to this problem, why is yours different?

I think my solutions are like the brass tacks. It's basically straight and narrow, I take out all the airy fairy stuff, I really give you, you know, real 8 simple ways to find the right guy.

One of those things you say which crack me up is you say women make mistake of  going out to brunch and look for guys at the movies, go to a guy places to find  guys.

Guy places, stake houses, sporting events; there are trade shows, picking up a baseball card and  electronics, guys like guy things.

And don't call with a group of friends, another mistake we make.

Those who travel in packs do not attract(why).

Because, you A, have the girl who is hotter than you, you have the girl who is jealouser than you, and you have the girl that's gonna push you out of the way to get that guy. Too much competition.

And also maybe the guy is intimidated, if he sees so many women together, he is... is he less likely to approach you, you think?

Yeah, most likely the...the jerk approaches, the guy who has no fear, and he just takes 10 numbers at the bar, you know (yeah) he is collecting numbers all the way, he is not the right guy though.

So the right guy is the guy who after you do the 5-second flirt, which we demonstrated, comes up to you and does what?

He asks you out, he asks for your number, he offers to buy you a drink. This is the key, he wants to protect, he wants to make you happy, and he wants to serve you, believe it or not. And most girls don't, you know I know these girls that go to the bars for 20 minutes, they sit and talk, and give away her life story, and the guy doesn't even say, "hey, would you like another drink".

So that's....that's what you have to watch out for.

Yeah, you have to watch out the way he behaves with you.

Once you find a guy that you think, you know could have potential, you say, this is funny, qualifyy the buyer. What does that mean?

Correct, just like in business, as we know in the Wall Street market right now, we have to qualify everything. Finance is no difference than love, you have to make sure he is gotta all the key points that you are looking for, a good provider, somebody who has the same morals and values, chemistry, friendship, etc, otherwise you're gonna end up with a dot.

And you say there is only one real way to know those things, and that is to abstain from...

Sexy, no sexy, no spreading (no...okay) no...no. sorry, not to tell (for how long?) well, until he gives you exclusive monogamist-committed relationship that's said in a sober-lighted date, not after alcohol.

Because if you have sex with a guy, that's gonna cloud everything, you gonna think he is perfect, if... if it's good for you.
Well, there is a chemical in the body, right, there is a chemical in the body called oxytoxin which is filled by oxygen, the more oxygen you have, the more you think you're in love, and what happens is men don't have this, there is like very small percentage in them, so they can sleep with women and not bound, we bound through sex.

In your show, you...you match up millionaires not just regular guys. Are the rules the same if you're trying to attract a millionaire and a regular guy?

The only difference is a millionaire doesn't have a lot of time, he's a little dating ADD, so you have to fill up your time with other guys. Sometimes the millionaire in training I like to call the MIT is the best guy to get.

So look for a millionaire in training and apply Patti's 8 easy steps, thank you so much.

Thank you for having me. Good to meet you