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厂商负责任 召回问题子弹


最近,Steel Hawk公司召回其所生产的子弹。因为它会导致被子弹击中的人的尸体被破坏,甚至是内脏也会出现裂痕。


The nation's leading manufacturer of ammunition Steel Hawk Corporate announced a massive recall today of jacketed hollow point bullets which may not properly shred the internal organs of victims. When functioning normally, the tip of a hollow point bullet shatters into fragments, then cuts a wide and jagged a path through the tissue and bone of its target. But due to a factory error, nearly a hundred thousand bullets with solid points were shipped to retail stores resulting in a greatly reduced capability to explode flesh. Steel Hawk's CEO John Cullen announced the recall at the press conference this morning.

"It’s Steel Hawk. Nothing is more important to us than the complete satisfaction of our customers when they made more kill. Some of these defective bullets can leave an active wound as small as a plum. That is unacceptable."

According to information released by Steel Hawk, the first notice about the defective bullets came from a man who shot and killed his brother during an altercation at a county fair and was disappointed that the victim's face remained, quote: "more or less intact”. Frank Ehrman was among the hundreds of other dissatisfied customers.

"You know, you spend a good money for a hollow point bullet, you expect it to explode the head of guys or a blood vein. You know if I wanna kill someone without destroying the body, I use a hammer."

To address complaints like this, the company's also offering discount coupons for its newest products Inferno Bullet, which start a small fire inside of someone when you shoot them.

"We understand that when our customers shoot a man, they wanna see his liquefied organs pour out of every hole in his body. Give us another chance, we'll give you the long shreddingest bullets on the market."

Still the effort might not be enough for many customers.

"Those people over Steel Hawk are gonna be shot in the face in front of their families."

Many gun owners have said the recall has been so frustrating, they will no longer use bullets returning to more low tech methods like beating victims with spite clubs or dragging them behind their cars.Moving on, Congress announced today the long debated Darfur aid package will be used for a Darfur memorial instead.