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FedEx and UPS are on our most admired list this year because they are both fierce competitors and they are recognized not only within their industry but throughout business at large, as being really amazing in terms of the way that they conduct themselves.

"FedEx is one of the best companies to work for, you know. It's amazing what FedEx, you know, technology that we have. It's awesome, you know, uh, I'm here in 18 years, and I think the quality professional and service is one of the best. And we always pick, er, quality of tools, for an example, this power pair list,  we have, uh, advanced with technology, the new truck we've got, the hybrid truck and everything is based on quality and the best. That's why we have the best service and the best quality of service because we have the right and, uh, transmit, you know, he, he, he does the right thing to get the best for us, to do quality work. You know, you need good personality, otherwise if you don't have good personality, you can't work with this job. "

"They called me the mayor around here, I guess, I've been doing this job for a year and a half and it's become personal with the customers. uh, I have their, They have my phone number, I have their phone number, we even text each other, you know, if they are not home, you know, what time you are getting home, you know, I know when they get home, and it's personal, you know, uh, customer service is  important to me. I don't want to bring a load back to the building, so, you know, I want to make sure they are home, you know, so I, customer service is very important. The company is very good, uh, we are trying to as far as like right now, everyone is trying to go green, our trucks, you know, we have hydraulic trucks in our, in our center, you know, so as far as, you know, to save, to save on gas, uh, we try to not to make left turns, you know, to save on gas, you know, that's very important to us. Sometimes, like, uh, one customer tells me that when Melitzia take a day off, his dog, because, I, I, I have treats in my truck, for my animals, for my pets, uh, his dog might sit next to my truck, waiting for me, even though I am not at work, so he, he tells me the next day, my dog Merrie was sitting by your truck waiting for a treat, but then we realize you are not there. So, you know, we keep on walking. So I hear that all the time."

One would think that if FedEx makes the list UPS would be often vice versa. But it's interesting because in this case, both of these companies are very very well recognized. We are seeing business people really say these companies have been really strong for a very long time and these brands mean something in the currency of business and that's why they are both our most admired.