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Troy Dunn: ...careers, where you (you) have to go to a college, I wouldn't want a degree, doctor without a degree. But there are some people who are going to college because they don't know what else to do, which is a horrible decision that only gets you 4 years into debt, and 4 years behind, everybody else who actually had a game plan. If you have an idea to start a small business, so you are not sure, you want to teach yourself the skills of the business world, skip college for now, get in the real world, learn what you love, then decide if you need formal education to continue that, and if not, keep going.

Betty Nguyen: But, doesn't that put you behind, say, if you get into a business, it's a failure, I mean, you're looking to  example like Bill Gates as you know the rule instead of the exception here.

Troy Dunn: No, no, gosh, you know, I consider naming people all day long from Bill Gates to Michael Dell, to people like myself who’ve been blessed with a success and in fact, the awkward moment for me, usually, as a college dropout, is sitting there when we are hiring for a position, a high-ranking position, and have all these college degrees applying for work, to the guy that doesn't have a degree. This is happening more and more in our society and it isn't because college is bad, it's because college is just overrated. We've created a scenario in the mind set of our parents, where we set, we make them think, if your child doesn't go to college, they will get a bad job, and if they do go to college, they'll get a good job. And that just is not true.

Betty Nguyen: I hear it, OK. Well, another thing that you say in the book is allowance is for losers, and you are essentially teaching your kids to be welfare recipients, come on, are you serious?

Troy Dunn: I know, harsh. Yeah, It’s harsh I know, but giving your kids free money is not the way to teach them the value of dollar. If I give you free money, listen, watch what  happens when this government bailout shows up in May? Everybody just get that free money and they're gonna spend it in ways they will never spend money, because it's free. It has no value to them. Giving your children an allowance, paying them to clean their room, and make their bed, is like them paying mom to make dinner or drive  to soccer practice. We've worked together as a family to share the household. If your child wants to earn money, then we should teach them how to earn money, how to build a small business.

Betty Nguyen: And you say, one of the greatest gifts to give your child is the gift of "want", so what does that mean?

Troy Dunn: Yes, this is a concept. I don't know why parents don't get it. "Want" is what, is the fuel, that drives the engine of action, you want something, and so you are at work today; I want something, which is to sell these books for charity, and so I’m out here taking action. If you don't give your children the gift of "want", in other words, stop giving them things so quickly, you know, when your child says to you," I wish I could have a such and such ”, instead of saying, "Well, sweetheart, maybe your birthday, maybe grandma will give it for you for Christmas." Instead, say to your child:" Well, how much is it, $30? I’ll tell you what when we get home, let's talk about how you could earn $30, and then start empowering them with their own wants.

Betty Nguyen: A lot of people don’t want those old VHS tapes, so this is a way of transferring it to DVDs, and you do it for a fee, and the kid could, pretty much go to those, um, parents were waiting in line to pick up their kids after school, and then solicit from there. But one that I really wanted to talk about was this concept of renting a friend as a business, and that is providing companionship to older people for a fee. I mean, Troy, whatever happens to doing something, because it’s the right thing to do.

Troy Dunn: No. I’m a big believer in service. In fact, I believe every child should have their own favorite charity. I believe in a fact I mentioned it in my book is that, children should be taught how to tie and how to give money to charity, but there are people who are paying other individuals anyway to watch after and look after their senior parents and other individuals. And I’m suggesting is that children can be the best medicine, so if a child is looking to work anyway, and is willing to give his time to serve and to make some money for himself, then why not empower the children to be the ones that sit there with your senior parent, and read the story to them or tell them about their day?

Betty Nguyen: The soliciting nursing home, I mean, I think some people will look at that, and go, you know, you are focusing so much on the money, that you are teaching children to be greedy and selfless.

Troy Dunn: Oh yeah, no, no that’s a very shallow view. The book is called “How to Raise a Future Millionaire” and I actually thought about a cut title in “How to Raise a Future Philanthropist”. But here is the real deal, you can not give what you do not have, and so we teach our children to obtain and then we teach them how to share, and that’s what I’m teaching!

Betty Nguyen: All right, Troy Dunn, author of young bucks: How to Raise a Future Millionaire. So you expect all seven of your children to be millionaires?

Troy Dunn: You know what? They are on their way, six of them have a business, the 3-year-old doesn’t have one yet, because she is a bit of slack of a will in career.

Betty Nguyen: Oh, come on. Troy Dunn, it’s been a pleasure. Thank you.

Troy Dunn: Thank you